sábado, 15 de junho de 2019


Soh foa metag muste tie meht ima 2 emre ful wassa hole kehn

( teh xlop )

Mea wore 3 so rostixe rotzkurih. Te Claud, te jignste, woa 6 jowa alt, un ich woa te elste. Te Plinio woa te metelste, un te woa frex wie te krent. Ene toh isa pai mich khom un soht:
- Hait ton mea tene meht mo ene xlop pene.
Soh foa metag muste tie meht ima 2 emre ful wassa hole kehn runa on te prone. Toh woa so en xtrosie uf, woh mea ima torich kelof sin. Uf jeta sait hon xene past xtek kextan un toh homa tie on nana kepun iwa tas phehtxe (trilho).
Wie tas pal tzait woa fa wassa hole kehn honma uns faxtekelt in so klene heke fa sihn wie tie met fale tehre.
Awa toh is was xlemes passiat. Teh toh is te pápai seleps tas wassa hole kang.
- Main Kot, soht maine pruda, un jetze?
Wen mea uf kexprong were tan het te pápai uns kesihn. Toh homa tas mo truf ohn khome kelos.
Awa tea lait um tea khina, to une hora keleh so langt wira woa. um tie emre sin apkewenselt pis runa on te prune. Toh sin mea uf kexprong um rufa in tie plantox.
Teh klehn Claud is tot plip. Teh wust konet was to lohs wea. Toh hot te pápai te kefroht wea te xlop kepun hat.
- Ai te Laurindo um te Plinio.
Mea wore awa xon wait fof. Toh homa te pápai noch keheat rufe:
- Hait oment komta hem.
Tzwoi wuche tem noh hotma ima noch ti rune ufem pukel kesihn. Wen tie mámai net ohnkehal het om pápai fa noh losse, ich wes net was tas noh kep het.

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